For John, BLUF: What is diversity and what is the will of the people, and how do we hold this union together.♠ "Majority rule and minority rights." Nothing to see here; just move along.
Joe ScarboroughSo, considerably whiter and redder, at the same time?♥
Joe Scarborough Retweeted Dave Wasserman
This is staggering and is a warning to all coastal Democrats. The party of diversity must also become more geographically diverse.Dave Wasserman
To Dems who can’t believe what they’re watching, remember: a majority of the Senate now represents 18% of the population & answers to a subset of voters that is considerably whiter, redder and more rural than the nation as a whole. That’s the reality of our times.
4:49 AM - 28 Sep 2018
I think it is fair to mention that one of the things that makes the United States work is that we give each of the geographic areas a voice. If the Senate, like the House of Representatives, was based strictly on population, there would be a lot of unhappiness in vast swaths of the nation, as the fly-over states would be dominated by the bi-coastal population majority.nbsp; I am not sure that would work out well. The fear in one region of domination by another has already lead to a civil war.
All that said, it is the duty of the Democrats to campaign hard in those "Red" States. And, the duty of Republicans to campaign in Democratic Party strongholds.
It should also be noted that amongst the 50 States, 12 have a Senator from each of the major parties. In addition, two states have an independent Senator, one with also a Democrat, and one with a second who is a Republican. That shows a fair degree of diversity in action.
Regards — Cliff
♠ Of course there are those who would break up California into several new states to provide diversity of a sorts for the various populations in the Golden State.
♥ I finally figured out the meaning of the colors red and blue. : I am personally embarrassed it took me so long to figure it out.
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