I have been involved in endorsing candidates for City Council, so I don't begrudge anyone else doing the same. Still, I found one quarter page advertisement♠ in today's Lowell Sun to be a bit unusual. Apparently, so did the editor of The Sun, since Reporter Christopher Scott was assigned to write on it.
What was unusual was that the full Beacon Hill delegation, St Stephen and the Three Musketeers, signed on to endorse a single sitting City Councilor Alan Kazanjian. Confirming my impression, Reporter Scott had quotes which showed that the delegation feels that Mr Kazanjian has been knocked around a little bit with "negative" press coverage. The three Reps took the "innocent until proven guilty" approach. The other approach is that of Curtis LeMay♥—"I cannot distinguish between the unfortunate and the incompetent and therefore will not try."
It is up to the voters. They can agree with the delegation and vote for a hard charging City Councilor who is trying to get things done. Or they can pass over a sitting City Councilor this time as he moves through a cloud of dust, kicked up by people who have worked for him outside of Government.
If you want to see a list of my endorsements for City Council, go here.
Tuesday will be very interesting.
Regards — Cliff
♠ The Sun reports the cost of the advertisement, which includes a full color photograph, at $2,600. It was a nicely done advert.
♥ No, not that Curtis LeMay; the one from Ohio.
Cliff, MLF pick's are ALL "your" endorsements too?
Perhaps not, if I had been able to send out my own questionnaire and make my own judgements based on them, as Lynne and Mimi did. As it was, I lost three weeks and didn't get around to it. So, I stand behind the MLF picks. And, I was one of the four members of MLF who were on the small committee to screen the questionnaires, etc.
I was pretty happy with the outcome. My "top nine" was not the final top nine, but only one person out of the four scorers picked the final outcome. We were all pretty close. Joe Smith said on "City Life" on Thursday that he had rerun the numbers with only his and my scoring and, he said, the final outcome was the same.
So, that is a long way around to say "YES." Yes, the MLF picks are my endorsements.
But, at the end of the day, my number one, top level, bottom line endorsement is for each and every one of us to VOTE on Tuesday! It only takes a few minutes and the staff at the polling places are efficient and courteous.&nsp; Our neighbors.
Regards — Cliff
I originally agreed with 7 of the 9 MLF slate. I changed my oppinion a bit after reading the responses.
My original candidates in order-
Kevin Broderick
William Martin
James Milinazzo
Joseph Mendonca
Patrick Murphy
Franky Descoteaux
Ryan Berard
David Koch
Ben Opara
My new candidates in order-
Kevin Broderick
William Martin
James Milinazzo
Raymond Weicker
Joseph Mendonca
Patrick Murphy
David Koch
Franky Descoteaux
Ryan Berard
I think more then anything the point of the MLF picks was to make residents really read about who they are electing and how they reflect what they are looking for. Ray Weicker was a candidate that was not even a consideration for me and then when I read his answers I felt like he just got what I was looking for and he moved to one of the top places on my list. I guess all you can ask for is informed voters and residents to vote. Thank you Cliff!
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