For John, BLUF: Nuclear Weapons are not going away. Nothing to see here; just move along.
The News Service, Agence France Press provides us an update on nuclear arsenals around the world. The title is "China, India, Pakistan boost nuclear arsenals: study". Here is the lede:
Three of the world's nuclear powers -- China, India and Pakistan -- have increased their arsenals over the past year, while the other five have cut their strength or kept it stable, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute said Monday.

As we reduce our armed forces we need to be careful to not allow nuclear sufficiency to go away. And, we need to have the debate on what is nuclear sufficiency for these United States. For example, I would assert that we should have the ability to deliver a nuclear response to Korea or Iran, if needed, and still have the ability to respond to an attack by China or Russia. I also think we need a sufficient long range conventional attack capability to respond to one or a few nuclear weapons delivered onto the United States.—Without going nuclear. We should never feel that our only possible response is nuclear weapons.
Regards — Cliff
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