For John, BLUF: Do reporters lack all sense of self-respect? Nothing to see here; just move along.
This is from Entertainment Daily and Reporter Rebecca Carter, 17 January 2018.
Here is the lede plus one:
President Donald Trump got fed up with CNN correspondent Jim Acosta, and kicked him out of a White House press conference on Tuesday, Jan. 16.I can understand Reporter Jim Acosta's insistence on asking more and more question, given the world is ending on Sunday, 4 February 2018 and we all will be dead and there will be no more press conferences. Why the rest of us would then care about this is hard to understand.Acosta, who is currently the Chief White House Correspondent for the cable network, pressed Trump with questions about his views on immigration.
But as the president attempted to wrap up the conference, Acosta continued to ask questions prompting Trump to demand that the reporter leave the room.
And, for those who think the President lacks a certain decorum, what about Reporter Acosta? Is he modeling himself after the President? Yes. Next question.
Hat tip to the InstaPundit.
Regards — Cliff
-2, Fri 0.5
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