The EU

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Monday, March 5, 2018

Bad News For Parents

For John, BLUFIf demanding parenting produces great young grownups, does slacker parenting result in slacker children?  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From The Boston Globe, by Ms Margery Eagan, 5 MARCH 2018.

Here is the lede plus one:

IT’S ALWAYS mother’s fault. Nobody judges mothers more brutally than other mothers. And, in the leafy suburbs, the K-12 years can be one long mothering competition.

That competition is now at fever pitch with college acceptances, or rejections, days away. But also because Amy Chua — who caused coast-to-coast maternal nervous breakdowns after she wrote “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother,” in 2011 — was in town last week.

She was promoting her new book, “Political Tribes: Group Instinct and the Fate of Nations,” with analysis of why elites view Trump supporters as “flag-waving bumpkins” while Trumpsters view elites as un-American snobs.

But it’s “Tiger Mother” that still stings.

The bad news is that, per Ms Egan, the "Tiger Mother" approach to child rearing seems to work.

Regards  —  Cliff

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