The EU

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Island Disputes

Here is a short article on the current confrontation going on between China and Japan.  This is all fun and games until a real war breaks out.  The article begins:
WASHINGTON: Relations between China and Japan continue to worsen as a Hong Kong Chinese group promised major protests in September.  And two of America's top Peoples Liberation Army analysts tell us things may well get worse, given the long-simmering enmities between the two countries and the "toxic brew" of the region's unresolved territorial claims and misunderstandings.

Larry Wortzel, longtime member of the U.S-China Economic and Security Commission, and Dean Cheng, analyst at the conservative Heritage Foundation, said in an exchange of emails over the last two days that the situation bears close watching.

"Disputed borders (no Helsinki accords equivalent), longstanding hatreds, contradictory historical accounts, all of which add up to LOTS of sources of tension, whether it's with Japan or among other states. Throw in Chinese government willingness to manipulate said accounts and problems (to build up the CCP's reputation), and it's a very toxic brew, indeed!" Cheng wrote.
The article is preceded by a video that cartoons the current situation.  You will notice that it includes not just China and Japan, but also Taiwan (Nationalist China) and the Republic of the Philippines.  It might have included Viet-nam and South Korea, but I missed it if it did.  These confrontations are over claims to islands here and there, but also about historical grievances and Japanese actions during and before World War II.

What to do?  In the following poll you can pick multiple responses—all that reflect your feelings.
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Regards  —  Cliff

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