For John, BLUF: I worry that Government control of the means of production will be intoduced under the guise of fixing climate change. Nothing to see here; just move along.
From The Daily Wire, by Reporter Ashe Schow, 18 January 2021.
Here is the lede plus one:
Two aides named by President-elect Joe Biden to handle environmental issues claim “systemic racism” is partially to blame for climate change.Then the article quotes The Washington Free Beacon as sayingThe Washington Free Beacon reported that Maggie Thomas has been tapped for the Office of Domestic Climate Policy chief of staff and Cecilia Martinez will serve as “senior director for e nvironmental justice. Both incoming advisers have said racism drives climate change while insisting Biden’s environmental reforms should be based on “racial and economic justice.”
Thomas and Martinez’s climate plans in many ways mirror the Green New Deal, a $94 trillion bill introduced by progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) in 2019. The legislation calls for the “economic transformation” of the United States and aims to provide “adequate” federal housing for every American. While Biden has not explicitly endorsed the Green New Deal, he has praised the bill as “a crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face” and included many of its components in his $2 trillion climate plan. The proposal, released in July 2019, pledges to “comprehensively address the most pressing, intersectional environmental justice issues” by targeting federal subsidies to minority groups.A trillion dollars is a lot of money, and two trillion doubly so. The US Nation Security budget for the 2021 Fiscal Year is $740.5 billion. That is less than a trillion.
I am dubious about the racism of climate change. Open to being convinced, but I have seen these kinds of assertions defeated by folks I respect. We will see what the Biden Administration produces. I hope it isn't one of those Speaker Pelosi thousand page bills, which they have to pass for us to read it. That isn't democracy. That is the Bureaucratic State at its Fascist best.
Hat tip to the InstaPundit.
Regards — Cliff
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