For John, BLUF: Early afternoon is the best time to vote, at least in the Northern Virginia area, but probably here also.
Someone Down in Virginia sent along this EMail note:
There was an article on the WTOP [local DC clear channel news, traffic and weather] web-site about the best time to vote this November 6th.We too will face ballot initiatives and it is best to have digested them before you show at the polling place.As a poll worker I pass along this request. Please tell all your retired friends to resist the urge to come and vote before breakfast. The actual best time to vote is after a long, leisurely group lunch, before that afternoon nap.
I am being serious here about the time frame.
And I pass on the following realities about voting. In Virginia voters will also be asked to consider two Constitutional questions. In Fairfax County there will also be 4 Bond issues.
If you wish to vote in the electronic machine, please know how you want to vote before you get there—reading the ballot on the machine can be tedious. The issues involved in one of the Constitutional questions are not straightforward.
Contrary to the belief of many, the optically scanned ballots are just as reliable as the electronic machines.
But, very important is that absentee voting is not just for those out of state anymore. Give it some consideration. And, if you have any questions, check at the Elections Office in City Hall (in the basement, by the Gedunk) or call a local Lowell Election Commissioner.
Regards — Cliff
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