It was an extraordinary event and great Kabuki.♠
Last evening the Lowell School Committee met to look at the issue of hiring a new School Superintendent.I went, hoping to speak, but the Chairman of the School Committee, Mayor James Milinazzo, told me before the meeting started that one had to register before 1400 of the day in order to speak. As it was, only one person had so registered, the very savvy Teachers Union President, Paul Georges.
I will publish in a subsequent post what I had written up to say.
I would note that Mayuor Milinazzo ran the meeting like it was on rails. As Union President Paul Georges started to speak, the Mayor ruled him out of order, for straying from the topic of the evening, but he then allowed School Committee Member Alison Laraba to enter a motion to (1) allow Mr Georges to speak to a larger issue and to allow others to also so speak, waiving the 1400 deadline for signing up.
The Laraba Motion was seconded and approved by all members of the School Committee. There followed a short and tight presentation by Mr Georges. Very well done. That was followed by a number of people, mostly, I would judge, teachers.
Following all the presentations School Committee Member Laraba moved that the Committee reconsider engaging School Superintendent over renewing her contract. Ms Laraba could not get a Second to her motion. Then School Committee Member Connie A Martin moved to begin the search process. This was seconded by School Committee Member David J. Conway. At this point many of the some 100 people in the chamber departed. What I didn't notice as I was recording the vote on my iPad was that Ms Laraba had left with the Teachers Union claque. I did think it strange that I had only three "L" people in my notes until the results were read and it was six in favor of starting a search and one "Absent". After that there was a quick discussion as to when the next meeting could be held (Wednesday is the first opportunity) and then Mr Conway moved for adjournment.
The Millanizzo performance as Chairman was exceptionally good.
The best account of the meeting can be found here, written by reporter Jenn Myers of The Lowell Sun. Of course that will turn into pixie dust in about 30 days. I will not be searching the World Wide Web for it after that, unless there is really a lot more snow and I have nowhere to go and nothing to do.
My own notes follow (if your name is misspelled, I apologize (poor schooling when I was young) and if you contact me I will correct it and so note).
Lowell School Committee Meeting--110128
Ms Laraba moved to have the outside speaker(s) brought forward in the Agenda to the beginning of the meeting, which is approved.
Paul Georges--(the Mayor provides the limits--five minutes and on topic)--starts to talk about going back and reengaging with Dr Chris Scott. The Mayor rules him out of order. Ms Laraba asks about what is related and there is a consultation with the Committee's (City's) lawyer, Christine O'Conner. The lawyer notes that it is things like hiring a head hunter, time period, etc.
Then there is a motion by Ms Laraba to expand the limits (both in terms of content and who might speak). The motion passes unanimously.
Mr Paul Georges—Take a step back. The Superintendent is supported by many in the system. Sheovercome many obstacles, including loss of money, and gave us improved stats. We have suffered two years w/o a contract, because of the Superintendent's support. Please reset the clock. Do what you have to do to get beyond this. Never seen a more dedicated School Superintendent. Why can't we stay together on this. Asking on behalf of God and everybody. Speaking from my heart and my head.
Patty Shepherd—21 years in the district, a parent (and a teacher). I have to say she deserves the respect that has not been shown to her by the School Committee. Things are going better. In your eyes it may be different.
Mark Goldman—We have a partnership w/UML and MCC. It is Innovative. We have been recognized by the New York Times. We need to keep her.
A lady about to retire noted that this is an exciting time and it is due to [Chris Scott]. We are inspired by his lady before us.
Joan Rawels.—When Dr Scott arrived she was told Dr Scott all for the teachers. And, it turned out to be true and "Thank God". She really cares. The Lowell system is the best place to work—the kids are unbelievable.
Another woman spoke and said that she got really nervous this week there might not be a chance. What we need. Thank you Dr Scott for being our leader. For not being top down. She meant the end of the "Learning Walk".♥ A fiasco. She gave power back to the teachers. Before our self-esteem and morale was low. She is supportive, kind and ... You believe in us like we believe in our students. Your departure would truly be a judgmental loss to us.
Henry Lucene—from a family of educators. The best thing in Lowell system is right here. Think of the students. You hired her. She fulfilled what you asked her to do. She brought back the human nurtue us.
Susan Smith President Lowell administrators union We have lost 40 administrators in the last year. She has never failed to meet w/ us.
Elizabeth Cook—Here as teacher and 4th Generation Lowellian. Dr Scott has brought an energy to our schools. Students benefit.
Anita Downs—daughter a senior. Dr Scott has brought energy. I have been involved in several Superintendent searches and it is hard. Keep Dr Scott.
Genevieve Parasole—I have never felt so sad. The children need her, even us clerks need her.
Then it was over. The Mayor then said: "Thank you very much...Ms Larabia."
Very impressive reports from those presenting. We don't take this lightly. Things have been said and done that are unfortunate. I move we meet with the Superintendent, the City Counsel, [etc] to get a solution to giving Dr Scott a new contract.
The motion didn't get a second.
Ms Martin moves to begin the search process. Seconded by Mr Conway.
Many people depart the area.
Six yeas, 1 Absent. Approved.
Ms Martin. It is in our best interest to set a very strict timeline.
Ms Doherty...Monday?
Ms Martin, Wed the first Opportunity.
Mr Conway motion to adjourn.
Regards — Cliff
♠ Citizen Jack Mitchell was the first to characterize this meeting as political theater. At least in the US Air Force, Kabuki is a common term used to refer to events that seem to fit a standard script.
♥ The "Learning Walk", as described, was a Dr Karla Brooks Baehr action wherein a small group of experienced personnel would talk into a classroom and observe the teacher and the students. Having been an instructor for several years, I would say it is something I would not like either, but it is an accepted technique in some areas. It is to be noted that Dr Karla Brooks Baehr is now Massachusetts Deputy Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education Accountability, Partnerships and Assistance
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