The EU

Google says the EU requires a notice of cookie use (by Google) and says they have posted a notice. I don't see it. If cookies bother you, go elsewhere. If the EU bothers you, emigrate. If you live outside the EU, don't go there.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Getting History Straight

Two Palin Posts in a row.  I apologize to Kad Barma.

Over at Legal Insurrection we have a post, "Palin knew Revere better than Obama knew Lincoln".

I say no more.

Regards  —  Cliff


Jack Mitchell said...

I say, "Impeach!"

C R Krieger said...

If we Impeach every time a President makes an historic reference error, each Administration will soon be down to some Junior Deputy Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, not yet confirmed by the US Senate.  All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  The question is how the media interprets it.

Regards  —  Cliff

Jack Mitchell said...

It might be hard to imagine that the media could actually be on the job. But maybe, just maybe POTUS will catch a break because his core competency is not suspect?

Seems like a crazy premise, but I'm going with it.