I notice that there has been a decline in the use of "tea bagger" as the left has shifted to the use of Tea Party so that the uninformed won't be confused as to the identity of the enemy.My general theory is that if someone insults you, own the insult and be proud.
Regards — Cliff
It's sad when upstanding members of the opposition party embrace the far-right radical blurtations of the TP.
Chris Christie is testing the waters for pushing back.
I see the TP as the equivalent of Bill Ayres and Jane Fonda running the Democratic Party.
Gov Christie should have thrown in a "rubbish" to the ruling of the New Jersey judge who refused to issue a "protection order" for the Muslim wife of a Muslim husband, saying that the husband wasn't abusing his wife because under Sahria allowed.... Fortunately it was overturned.
Frankly, I have forgiven Ms Fonda and moved on. As for Prof Bill Ayers, he is an unapologetic terrorist and on Sunday I will be with several Cousins of a victim of his rhetoric, that spread to Madison, Wisconsin. To repeat myself, unapologetic.
What I don't understand is the meaning behind the term "far-right radical blurtations".
Regards — Cliff
The tea party is nothing to be a part of or proud of.
The sooner the GOP kills it, the better off America will be.
It pains me that you are so close to such a thing, but then those things happen. Like the dead kids at Kent State.
Fonda was a fool then.....and is today. What she did to the residents of the Hanoi Hilton is despicable....and time will not change that stain.
Bill Ayers is despicable in a different way, a way that continues to this day in the halls of academia and the palaces of the progressives. I do find it rather odd that those who celebrate the radicalism of Ayers and other Democratic party fringe elements are the loudest condemning voices of the Tea Party. I guess it is only wrong if you are a conservative....actually advocating the killing of government officials and anyone else who happens to be inconvenient bystanders is okay if it is for a liberal, progressive cause...something vague like "human rights" or "class warfare."
The Tea Party is very likely to grow...and grow substantially in the coming year. American people are tired of academic lectures and scoldings from the Presidential lectern and leading from behind. They are tired of worn out hope and change tripe served up by "experts" suddenly on the scene but never really seen before 2009.
I strongly recommend viewing a news clip that has been pulled over and over by the American media because it presents inconvenient truths....Barney Frank and Chuckie Schummer making proclamations that are outright lies....http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=cMnSp4qEXNM&NR=1 ...and please note that these utterances were LONG before the Tea Party was even a neuronal interaction.
Absurd: "I do find it rather odd that those who celebrate the radicalism of Ayers and other Democratic party fringe elements are the loudest condemning voices of the Tea Party."
No one I know of "celebrates" what they did. At most, they chaulk it up to "two wrongs trying to make a right." The Vietnam War was a bad time, a confused time, when things got out of hand.
I accept what happened as "growing pains", but I do not condone it.
Today, the Tea Party exists based on tolerance by folks like my friend Cliff.
He should work to quickly kill it off before it comes after him.
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